A hike; Cooking shellfish

Friday, July 14, 2017

We are eating too much.  The food has been wonderful, and we eat a hearty breakfast followed by two multi-course substantial meals.  The fresh fish has been so good we simply order more and more.  So, this morning we went on a hike in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, which surrounds the Keltic Lodge where we’re staying.  It was lovely. Here’s the beginning of the trail:

Here’s a field of ferns in the bright sunlight:

Here’s one of the spectacular views from the trail:

There was a lobster boat just offshore from the trail, and we were able to monitor the process of pulling up the traps and harvesting the lobsters:

After lunch (fish fry, with fresh haddock and a mountain of fries), we attended a cooking demonstration centered on the preparation of various kinds of shellfish.  We learned how to take the scallops which are very different in height, press them between two pans, and make them all the same height so they cook evenly.  Then how to make the pan extremely hot and sear them on both sides quickly in butter and flaming Pernod:

We learned how to cook mussels in steam, with shallots, onions, tomatoes, and white wine:

And we learned how to take a cooked lobster from its shell using nothing but a butter knife and a hand towel:

Not much of this information will be of use in our kosher home!  The remainder of the afternoon was spent in total relaxation in this beautiful place.  Tomorrow, the Cabot Trail and sights on it.


  1. That's amazing, the way the guy has reassembled the lobster without its shell. I've never seen that done anywhere--and I grew up in New England!
    --Amazing views you're photographing! Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Great photos and all that seafood, wow!


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